Interview Rose Troche,
director of "GO FISH" and TEDDY Award winner 1994

USA 1994, 87 min

Director: Rose Troche
Cast: V. S. Brodie, Guinevere Turner, T. Wendy McMillan
Section: Teddy Twenty Tribute

The director

Rose Troche was born in Chicago. She studied film and video at the University of Illinois. Her directorial debut was the groundbreaking film "Go Fish", a lesbian love story. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 1994 and in the same year won a TEDDY AWARD at the Berlin International Film Festival. Her next feature film was "Bedrooms and Hallways" which explored male sexuality. She also directed "The Safety of Objects", which was adapted from the short stories of A.M. Holmes.

Her television work is just as extensive as her film work. She has directed numerous episodes of the HBO hit drama "Six Feet Under". And since 2004 she has been a director and writer for the Showtime series "The L Word", the groundbreaking show about a lesbian friends living in LA.

Plot Summary

Go Fish is an entertaining and spunky drama about lesbian love. Max (Guinevere Turner) is a young aspiring writer and Ely (V.S. Brodie), a shy woman trying to pull out of an unsatisfying long-distance relationship.

The two of them meet in an awkward first date set up by their friends. Rose Troche directs this black-and-white comedy with real brio and a respect for the variety of lesbian experience. One of the most interesting aspects of the story is the support these two women get from their friends as their relationship deepens and evolves.