Teddy Award 2007
Teeth A teenage comedy laced with sex and gore that tells of the horror of becoming an adult. The story revolves around a young high school student. When the innocent Dawn begins to feel her libido awakening she vehemently seeks refuge as a member of the local celibacy group...
| The Bubble |
The Walker Carter Page III has an unsual job. He accompanies Washington DC’s wellheeled ladies to the opera. These ladies’ husbands have no desire to bother themselves with such high culture, which means that Carter Page III has a steady stream of work. On Wednesdays he meets his mature clients Lynn, Abby and Natalie and his young friend Emek for a game of canasta.
| This Filthy World |
Tuli Carter Page III has an unsual job. He accompanies Washington DC’s wellheeled ladies to the opera. These ladies’ husbands have no desire to bother themselves with such high culture, which means that Carter Page III has a steady stream of work. On Wednesdays he meets his mature clients Lynn, Abby and Natalie and his young friend Emek for a game of canasta....
| Teeth |
The Bubble Sheikin Street is one of Tel Aviv’s hippest and chicest areas. Sheikin Street’s fashionable shops and galleries give it the appearance of being on another planet to the rest of the Middle East. The inhabitants of this peaceful soap bubble manage to keep an oblivious distance from the conflict all around them. Among them are three young Israeli flatmates: Lulu and a gay couple named Noam and Yali...
| The Walker |
This Filthy World The ‘pope of trash’ was how William S. Burroughs once dubbed filmmaker John Waters. In this film portrait the high priest of bad taste grants us something of a private audience. Everything you ever wanted to know about the director of HAIRSPRAY and POLYESTER but never dared ask is answered here in a highly entertaining, extremely professional one-man show...
| Tuli |