Fri, Feb 18
BASED ON A TRUE STORY Using interviews and archive material, the film reconstructs a bank raid which may not have gone down in history, yet has made film history – due to Sidney Lumet’s psychological drama DOG DAY AFTERNOON (1975), in which Al Pacino plays the desperate and luckless...HEROES AND GAY NAZIS Since its inception, the homosexual movement has always numbered gays whose political leanings tend towards the extreme right; these are men who set great store by masculinity and nationalism, who look down on ‘fairies’ and women and propagate anti-Semitism. Writing shortly before his death from Aids at the end of the 1980s, neo-Nazi Michael Kühnen claimed that gay men made better fighters, because having no family... GEORGE MICHAEL: A DIFFERENT STORY Much has been written and even more has been said about George Michael. Not much is known, however, about how he himself sees the story of the young man from suburban Edgware in Middlesex in England who one day became one of the greatest idols of his generation. What makes this documentary special is that George Michael himself acts as tour guide on an excursion to the major venues of his childhood... TRANSAMERICA Bree is a conservative transsexual living in one of the poorer districts of Los Angeles. She holds down two jobs and saves every penny she has in order to pay for one last operation that will make her a woman at last. Out of the blue one day she receives a phone call from New York: on the other end of the line is a young man named Toby currently being held as a juvenile offender who is apparently looking for his father...