Fri, Feb 15
AND THE WINNERS ARE . . . Die internationale TEDDY-Jury aus acht schwul-lesbischen Filmemachern und Queer-Filmfestival-Organisatoren hat Filme aus allen Berlinale-Sektionen gesichtet, die in einem schwulen, lesbischen oder transidentischen Kontext stehen. Der TEDDY wird in den Kategorien Bester Spielfilm, Bester Dokumentarfilm und Bester Kurzfilm mit einem vergeben, jeweils verbunden mit einem Preisgeld von 3000 Euro. The eight members of the international jury - filmmakers and organisers of queer film festivals - view the films within the framework of all programs of the Berlinale which have queer context. Three films are nominated for each category and one receives a TEDDY for best feature film, best documentary film and the best short film, each with a cash award of Euro 3,000.
 | Video: TEDDY 22 | AWARD CEREMONY  | With a SPECIAL TEDDY the TEDDY Foundation awards
Keith Collins, Simon Fisher Turner, Isaac Julien, James Mackay and Tilda Swinton who as a family as combatants and allies of British filmmaker Derek Jarman have looked after his heritage. |
 | Video: TEDDY 22 | AWARD CEREMONY  | With a SPECIAL TEDDY the TEDDY Foundation awards
Hans Stempel and Martin Ripkens for their activities and achievements as film critics, film scouts and filmmakers. |
endowed with 3,000 Euro donated by
elledorado e. V. and by the TEDDY Foundation, goes to:
Assmann and Ayat Najafi.
"This year’s documentaries overwhelmingly won the hearts of the
TEDDY Jury by approaching challenging and thought- provoking subjects in an accessible
and effective manner. The most cinematic and gripping of them all subtly and humorously
tackles gender- roles in sports in Islamic society." |
 | Video: TEDDY 22 | AWARD CEREMONY  | The TEDDY Jury Award
goes to:
Be Like Others by Tanaz Eshaghian
"an uncompromising and moving portrayal of the shocking reality faced by queer Iranians." |
 | Video: TEDDY 22 | AWARD CEREMONY  | The TEDDY for the Best Feature Film endowed with 3,000 Euro donated by
Pro-Fun Media goes to:
The Amazing Truth about Queen Raquela by Olaf de
"for its ability to address race, gender and poverty in an entertaining way, while also playing with audiences expectations of form." |
This year's Special TEDDY Award winner Tilda Swinton was nominated for an Oscar.
We were all keeping our fingers crossed and thumbs up for you!!! AND YOU MADE IT ! ! !
Congratulations Tilda! ! ! |
 | Video: TEDDY 22 | AWARD CEREMONY  | The TEDDY for the Best Short Film endowed with 3,000 Euro donated by
TIMM goes to:
TA by Felipe Sholl
"a sharp and funny look at a brief encounter
between two boys." |
 | Video: TEDDY 22 | AWARD CEREMONY  | The VOLKSWAGEN Audience Award endowed with 3.000,- Euro, donated by
Volkswagen, goes to:
Football Under Cover by David Assmann and Ayat Najafi. |
 | Video: TEDDY 22 | AWARD CEREMONY  | The Siegessäule Reader’s Choice Award
endowed with 1.000 Euro donated by Jackwerth Verlag, goes to:
Be Like Others by Tanaz Eshagian. |